Sunday, September 6, 2015

Heavy Thoughts

So, this isn't the post I had originally anticipated writing for this week, but it's weighing heavy on my mind. My sister brought something up to me that I was not expecting, and frankly, I'm not sure what to do with it.
Last October, my sister was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain stem. When she first told me the news, I was devastated for her. I was devastated for myself, our family and her friends. I'm not even sure how to describe all of the emotions from that time. 
Almost a year later, her and I were driving around town when she mentioned that everyone around her changed how they treat her when they heard the diagnosis. Everyone but me. This was not a positive statement. She said she needed me to change. She needed me to treat her differently because she is different now. She said by interacting with her the same as before, it shows I am not dealing with the fact she has cancer. 
I am completely lost. Even after discussing it further with her, I'm still not sure what to do with this new information. Yes, she has cancer, but she's still my sister. How do I treat her differently? How am I supposed to show her I deal with the fact she has cancer every day

Thank you for listening/reading. If you have any advice, I encourage you to share it.

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