Friday, September 18, 2015

To Plan or Not to Plan

As a perpetual planner, I am well aware of the fact that many things do not go as planned. Most things don't, in my experience. It doesn't matter how well thought out the plan was or how many back up plans I had, life like to throw those little curve balls at us that send all the plans flying. And I'm usually left standing with a "well, I didn't plan for that" look on my face.

I was reading through some of my old journals from 4-6 years ago today, and I just laughed at myself. All those fantastic plans I thought were foul-proof were indeed thwarted by life. Although a few were sad, unfortunate events, many ended up being things I'm glad about and very thankful for.

It just made me realize that many of the great things in my life were unexpected, unplanned events or opportunities, and I wonder if it's a waste of time to keep trying to plan my life. It has always driven me nuts that my husband doesn't feel the need to plan anything - he just goes where life takes him. I wonder if I'm going about things all wrong. Should I abandon the planning and adopt his philosophy, or is it the wrench in my well-laid plans that make the unexpected events in life so special?

What do you think? Are you a planner or a "go with the flow" type? Which is better?

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