Sunday, September 27, 2015

New Job and the Frustrating Aspect of the Learning Curve

This past week was the first full week of my new job position, and it flew by! I love my new job, the team and pretty much everything about it, but I've been struggling a little with being the new person.

At my previous job, I was the person that was the most experienced, had been there the longest and practically knew everything. I was the go-to person for questions or help, but I swapped that out for this amazing new job where I am now in the complete opposite position. My team has been fantastic and is willing to help me as I learn the ins and outs of this new job, but I still get frustrated with myself because I just don't know it all yet.

Does anyone have any tips or ideas to help with this internal struggle?

Friday, September 18, 2015

To Plan or Not to Plan

As a perpetual planner, I am well aware of the fact that many things do not go as planned. Most things don't, in my experience. It doesn't matter how well thought out the plan was or how many back up plans I had, life like to throw those little curve balls at us that send all the plans flying. And I'm usually left standing with a "well, I didn't plan for that" look on my face.

I was reading through some of my old journals from 4-6 years ago today, and I just laughed at myself. All those fantastic plans I thought were foul-proof were indeed thwarted by life. Although a few were sad, unfortunate events, many ended up being things I'm glad about and very thankful for.

It just made me realize that many of the great things in my life were unexpected, unplanned events or opportunities, and I wonder if it's a waste of time to keep trying to plan my life. It has always driven me nuts that my husband doesn't feel the need to plan anything - he just goes where life takes him. I wonder if I'm going about things all wrong. Should I abandon the planning and adopt his philosophy, or is it the wrench in my well-laid plans that make the unexpected events in life so special?

What do you think? Are you a planner or a "go with the flow" type? Which is better?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

My Six Favorite Fall Farmer's Market Finds

It's finally fall!!! Okay, okay... Not quite fall, but so darn close it doesn't matter. The air feels and smells like fall, and I'm running with it! Fall is arguably my favorite season of the year. Warm, cozy sweaters, boots, beautiful colors galore and - perhaps my (and my hair's) favorite part - the glorious reprieve from humidity...
Really, what's not to love? Everything seems so much better in fall. Even the food is better! This is my favorite time of year to visit the farmer's market, no doubt about it. Aside from the weather being much more bearable, fall in Illinois brings out a lot of my favorite foods. Here's my top six fall farmer's market finds:
1. Pumpkin - I. Love. Pumpkin. Not only is it one of my favorite flavors, it's super versatile. I love pureeing the pulp and making all sorts of yummy things this time of year. muffins, scones, pancakes, cakes, soups, sauces, cookies... The possibilities are endless! Plus, the seeds can be baked with a wide variety of seasonings and spices to create good-for-you snacks or salad toppings. And we can't forget the pumpkin spice latte! YUM!
2. Eggplant - Eggplant is unique and oh-so-tasty. When I was a vegetarian, I lived for this time of year so I could stock up on all the eggplant I could find. It's the star in one of my favorite vegetarian dishes - eggplant parmesan! Oh, my mouth is watering already... Not to mention, eggplant is fantastic when grilled and makes a great addition (or substitution for) a burger. Tasty!
3. Edamame - Living in the land of corn and soy beans, it would be such a travesty to forget these little guys! Fresh soy beans make for a great snack or filler salad. They are also fantastic additions to homemade stir fry! Edamame are newer crops for our region, but they are naturally fat-free, packed with protein and delicious!
4. Apples - Yeah, I know I can get apples virtually all year round at the grocery store, but fresh, local apples are way better. And fall in Illinois is there time to shine! This fruit satisfies one of the main criteria I have to consider something one of the greatest foods - it must taste great whether it is hot or cold. Apples are fantastic raw (peanut butter or caramel optional), but they completely up their game when hot. Apple pie, cinnamon apples and apple crisp are some of my favorite warm apple dishes. Homemade applesauce is by far my favorite though, and not just because it makes my house smell fantastic. Delish!
5. Butternut Squash - This fall staple is must buy when I get to the farmer's market in the fall. Like pumpkin, it is insanely versatile. Although I love using it for soups and sauces, roasted butternut squash is my favorite this time of year. So much so, it is practically served with every meal. Yes, breakfast too! As a person that doesn't care for potatoes, this squash makes a pretty decent substitute for home fries, and I love adding bits to my salads.
6. Pears - I honestly forget we grow pears in Illinois until my father-in-law starts showing up with fresh pears from his pear tree this time of year.  Pears were my favorite fruit as a kid, and they probably still are as an adult. Most of the time, fresh pears from the farmer's market don't last too long in the house (which may or may not be my fault), but when they do, I love baking them. I usually halve them, sprinkle on a little cinnamon, and bake them for a simple, tasty dessert you can't feel guilty about eating.
Thank goodness that's six, because I am now too hungry to go on any farther. And I can't wait to go to the farmer's market this week! What are your favorite local fall farmer's market finds? Tell me in the comments below!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Heavy Thoughts

So, this isn't the post I had originally anticipated writing for this week, but it's weighing heavy on my mind. My sister brought something up to me that I was not expecting, and frankly, I'm not sure what to do with it.
Last October, my sister was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain stem. When she first told me the news, I was devastated for her. I was devastated for myself, our family and her friends. I'm not even sure how to describe all of the emotions from that time. 
Almost a year later, her and I were driving around town when she mentioned that everyone around her changed how they treat her when they heard the diagnosis. Everyone but me. This was not a positive statement. She said she needed me to change. She needed me to treat her differently because she is different now. She said by interacting with her the same as before, it shows I am not dealing with the fact she has cancer. 
I am completely lost. Even after discussing it further with her, I'm still not sure what to do with this new information. Yes, she has cancer, but she's still my sister. How do I treat her differently? How am I supposed to show her I deal with the fact she has cancer every day

Thank you for listening/reading. If you have any advice, I encourage you to share it.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wanting More - Greedy or Ambitious?

I received wonderful news this week! I was finally offered the job I have been wanting and applying for since October of last year. The affect this job will have on my husband and me is huge, and we couldn't be happier for the opportunity. I now feel like I have it all - a decent house, wonderful husband, professional career, running car... What more could a girl want out of life? Well, more of course!

My husband and I were discussing the idea of still wanting "more" and "better" than what we have, and I felt a little put off by my own thoughts. I have so much that others do not, and I'm grateful. Why am I being so greedy? I'm not sure I was able to come up with an answer for that, but I've decided I'm not going to feel bad about it anymore.

It does make me wonder - Is it considered greedy to continually want more out of life, even when things going great? Where do you draw the line between greed and ambition?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below! I would love to hear what you think on this matter!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Enhancing a Stranger's Happiness

A few years ago, I had a chat with an elderly gentleman who gave me some pretty insightful words of wisdom. "What we need to realize in life, is that our happiness is not dependent on anyone but ourselves," he said. "We cannot make anyone happy, just as no one can make us happy, but we can enhance another's happiness." Wow. His words spoke to me in volumes. It made me reevaluate my own happiness and the things I was doing to "make" others happy.
I ended up making a lot of changes in my life after this conversation. Of all the changes I made, my biggest challenge was to stop trying to make others happy. One of the ways I changed this behavior was to focus on enhancing happiness, especially for strangers. Focusing on strangers was a perfect start for me, because it took the personal involvement out of what I naturally want to do - try to make others happy. Without the emotional connection, it was much easier to start transforming my mindset from "making someone happy" to "enhancing someone's happiness."

My challenge to you is to give this way of thinking a try. Make yourself happy (a topic for another day) and try to enhance the happiness of someone else, especially a strangers! Need help getting started? Here are five of my favorite ways to enhancing a stranger's happiness:

1. Lend a hand. Surely you've seen some scene in a movie where a person with handfuls of groceries is walking to his/her car when all of a sudden the bag breaks and fruit goes flying across the lot, right? Well, this actually happens. It is usually the icing on the cake of someone's bad day. Enhance this stranger's happiness by helping to pick up the groceries on the ground. Lending a hand doesn't take but a minute of your time, makes you feel good and helps someone else. Sounds like a win-win to me.  

2. Be polite. Hold a door for the person behind you. Tell the barista at Starbucks "thank you" when you receive that cup of gold in the morning. Say "please" when asking for something. It's not hard to do, but we get so caught up in ourselves sometimes that we forget how these simple gestures can affect others. A lot of people, especially those waiting on you or serving your food, feel underappreciated at times. Asking if you could "please get some more napkins" instead of demanding them can make that persons day just a little brighter. How can you go wrong with that?

3. Listen. No one likes it when the person you are talking to only half-hears what your saying Taking the time to actively listen to what another person is saying can make a big difference, especially when interacting with a stranger. Make eye contact (if possible) and ask appropriate questions. Express your understanding or ask for clarification. People generally feel good when they are heard and understood, and it is a great way to start building connections. Actively listening has so many benefits - enhancing someone else's happiness is just one of them.

4. Give compliments. Complimenting strangers is one of my favorite things to do, but was also one of the hardest things for me to get started. As an fairly shy person, I initially felt it was awkward to tell someone I pass in the hall way or catch in the elevator a compliment. But it is so worth it. To see that person's eyes light up or the smile sneak up on them is the best thing to witness. And it's so easy to do! We see things and think them silently all the time. That color compliments her eyes... He has a fantastic smile... Look at those shoes! LOVES! Don't keep these thoughts in your head - share them! Tell her you love those shoes or that the color compliments her eyes. Let him know he has a great smile. It will make him/her feel good and it's amazing. So worth it.

5. Go the extra mile. This one can be a little tricky with strangers, but, again, it's worth it. I use this one a lot at work, primarily because my interactions with strangers can be a little more lengthy than one may find in line at the coffee shop or on the elevator. My favorite example of "going the extra mile" actually comes from my bank. Before I got married last year, I called my bank to see what I needed to do to change my name after the wedding. The customer service was friendly as always, and that was that. Abut three days later I received a card from them in the mail congratulating me on my upcoming wedding and wishing my husband and I a happy future together. I actually cried. It was so sweet and simple, but meant a lot that the customer service representative too the time to write the note. That is going the mile for sure! Taking that extra step to brighten someone's day doesn't have to be that much though. It can be as simple as telling someone to have a great day or wishing them happy birthday. Practice ways 1-4 to discover ways to go the extra mile for a stranger, and feel good because you enhanced someone's happiness.

What's your favorite way to enhancing a stranger's happiness? Please share in the comments below!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Inspiration (n.): the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

First things first: Welcome to Avocado Rain!

Inspiration is an amazing thing, and we can find things all around us that evoke thoughts, ideas and actions. My hope for this blog is to do just that - Inspire you. Over the last few years, I've been working hard to break bad habits and step out of my comfort zone in many areas of my life. Living with confidence has become very important to me, and I hope I can inspire you to face with world  with new-found confidence too.

I figured while we're on the topic of inspiration, I'll share with you three of my favorite people that inspire me the most to live my life with confidence.

Dana was not available to be pictured, so here's a cute puppy instead.
Dana is my best work friend, and she is basically my alter-ego. Everything about her screams confidence and positivity. She can make anyone smile and has a personality that is larger than life. Dana has inspired me most to step out of my comfort zone and try new things, especially where fashion is concerned. From her, I have learned that attitude  and confidence are the best accessories you can wear, and frankly, they go great with everything.

Nick is the older brother I never had. The most inspiring thing about him is how confident he is with who he is. He is definitely himself, and no one else. If there is anything I've learned by being friends with him, it would be to be the person I want to be. He inspires me to love the person I am instead of pretending to be someone I'm not.

Abby & my oldest pup, Jetsie.

Abby is the best possible combination of Dana and Nick with her own special twist. Of any person I've ever met, Abby is by far the strongest, most confident and sassy individual of them all. She has never been afraid to speak her mind and enjoy the things she loves. She is brash, brutally honest and inspires me to face the world head on. Nothing has stopped her from being who she is, not even a rare tumor in her brainstem. She has been through so much, yet looks at the world with her head held high (even with a partially shaved head and large scar on her scalp). If she is not the embodiment of confidence, I don't know who would be. If you're interested, you can find more information regarding Abby's brain tumor here.
Those are three of the most inspiring people in my life. Who are the people that inspire you the most to be confident? Please let me know in the comments below!